
Thank you for your interest in Church Planting in the Northwest. Below you will find the materials necessary to begin your application process to be considered to join in this effort. The following is a general summary of a typical application/assessment process:

  • Please begin by completing the following Northwest application materials.  This same application can be submitted for planting opportunities throughout the Pacific Northwest (including Seattle and Portland) and the Vancouver BC area. 

    A. West Coast Church Planting Application (Click here to download the PDF)

    B. West Coast Confidential Questionnaire (Click here to download)

    C. Resume (if available)

    D. Sermon audio / video file (web link is ideal)

    Please submit all of the above items to Natalie Hammond.

  • Register here as a planter, apprentice, or intern.

    Please make sure you list "West Region", as well as any specific Church Planting Catalyst / Send City Missionary you are working with.  If you are applying for a Send City (Portland/Seattle), please note that also.

  • A follow-up phone interview with a Church Planting Catalyst will be scheduled once all materials are received. Once materials are reviewed, and it is agreed to proceed, the Catalyst will request a link be sent for NAMB’s online application and assessments.

  • Use the email link you receive from NAMB to complete NAMB’s online application. NAMB's application must be completed before we can proceed further. Once you submit the application, NAMB will process references and run a background check. (Please personally contact your references to ask them to complete references/tools in a timely manner.)

  • Use the web link emailed to you from NAMB to complete online Ministry Safe Training.

  • If no red flags arise from the previous application items, NAMB will then email you a link to complete their online assessment tool. At the link you will log in / register and pay the fee ($129 married / $69 single). Then simply walk through the online steps to complete the assessment. 

    You will have 60 days to complete them, after which they will be closed and you will have to restart and repay to take them. Please be diligent to complete them in a timely manner.

    The online assessment includes many assessment tools, including a marriage assessment tool and a 360 inventory. Spouses will need to complete a portion of the assessments (as indicated in the tool), as well as multiple observers. Please keep that in mind as you are planning the time it will take to complete the tool.

    If you ultimately plant with NAMB they will reimburse the online assessment fee. If paying the initial expense is a hardship for you, contact us.

  • All your application materials are reviewed by the Church Planting Catalyst(s). If a decision is made to proceed, then a request is made to NAMB to extend the invitation to attend an upcoming Send Network Assessment Retreat. You will receive a link from NAMB to the portal where you will complete several pre-retreat questionnaires. Once complete, you will be sent a link to register yourself, your spouse, and your Candidate Representative (ideally your Sending Church Pastor or his designee).

    At this Assessment Retreat you will learn more about your strengths and growth opportunities in these two days than you probably have before, or ever will again. In an environment of encouragement and support, experienced leaders from the context where you desire to plant will measure your church planting readiness in nine essential areas: calling, emotional and spiritual health, family dynamics, vision, leadership, communication, missional engagement, disciple-making and social skills.

    Cost of the retreat is $399. Reimbursement is based on Final Recommendation - only a Ready or Ready with Conditions will be reimbursed for the cost of the retreat.

  • The Planting Projector is an online planning tool that helps a planter candidate think through church growth, stewardship, budgeting, partnerships, and so on. Planter candidate completes a Planting Projector Worksheet and then meets with their Church Planting Catalyst who coaches the candidate through completing the initial input for the Planting Projector.

    AFTER IN-PERSON ASSESSMENT: Work with your Church Planting Catalyst to complete your Planting Projector Tool online.

    BE AWARE that there are multiple steps to this process, and you are not finished when you hit submit.

  • At this point, the decision is made by Catalyst(s) and Convention Church Planting Director to partner with you, and the planting field is agreed upon.

    NOTE: This does NOT mean you are NAMB approved yet!

    The final pieces prior to NAMB approval:

    • Complete position request form and send to Natalie Hammond. She will use this to submit a position request and assessment summary to NAMB.  
    • If incomplete, finish the submission process for your Planting Projector tool (see step 8 above). 
    • Communicate to your Catalyst that you have completed all the above steps and make sure nothing else is outstanding that might delay approval.
  • You will receive a "Congratulations" email from NAMB, confirming your approval and funding start date.  

    Congratulations! You're official!

    Work with your Church Planting Catalyst in your new focus area to develop your initial church planting strategy.